Meet the showcase and magazine teams!
Jo Rawnsley
Hi, I'm Jo! I'm doing a masters in English and Creative Writing. This is my second year as part of the team. I'm an organiser on the showcase team. I absolutely loved organising and hosting last winter's showcase, 'Masquerade' so I jumped at the chance of being involved again!

Jack Fabris
Hi, I'm Jack! I'm studying Creative Writing and Film Studies and I'm in my first year. I'm one of the PR officers on the showcase team. I help run the teams social media accounts!

Melissa Bowles
Hi I'm Melissa. I'm an editor on the showcase team and in my second year of studying English and Creative Writing at Hull. I love horror, fan fiction and fantasy!

Robin Baines
Hi I'm Robin (not pictured), an integral member of our tech support. I'm in my second year of Creative Writing and Film Studies. I'm an advocate for lgbtq+ representation in literature and I write mostly crime fiction and superhero prose.
My cat is called Jar Jar Binks, and she's a very good girl.

Kelly Chin
Hey all, I’m Kelly and I'm in my second year of Creative Writing and Film Studies. I’m in charge of tech support and communications in the HU Writes Magazine team. My passion lies in musical theatre and you can catch me in a singing or dance class at 3am. Surprisingly my neighbours have not made any complaints… yet.

Lily Abdo
I'm an undergraduate student who enjoys all things creative, and I look forward to helping to create a magazine that many of you will read!

Antonin Casset
Hey y'all, I'm Antonin, tech support for the Showcase. I'm mostly funny, I'm nice (no one in the team's ever hit me yet, but then, I'm French, they probably don't understand me). I hope to seeing all your little names (or dare I say... faces) for the showcase!

Lizzie Watkinson
Hi I'm Lizzie, a co-organiser and PR rep. I have loved writing for as long as I can remember and am currently in the third year of my creative writing PhD, which focuses on worldbuilding in fantasy literature

Anna Watkinson
Hi I'm Anna; co-organiser, clerk and contributor to Document 1. I'm a third year Creative Writing PhD student, and my special focus is women and power in fantasy literature. Look out for my hints, tips and writing prompts in the upcoming magazine.

Nikki Santonocito
My name's Nikki and I'm the other organiser of the HU Writes showcase! It's my second year here at HU Writes and I'm hoping to make this event even better than last year's showcase!

Hi I’m Jaydon, I run the TikTok page and help reviewing submissions. Fun fact: I’m a huge animal lover and own 8 pet rats.

Sammie Leighton
I'm Sammie from the Document One team. Co-editor and support for the team who manages to give both a mature and immature edge to things. Halfway through my Master's degree and five years deep into my studies, I still loves all things creative.

Jaydon Nolan
I'm Megan Robson, a first year Creative Writing and Film student - musical enthusiast and avid reader. I also serve as one of Document One's book reviewer and editors.

Hi, I’m Jaz and I’m in the PR department. I do the drawings mainly. Guess you could call me an artistic autistic Aquarius