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Image by Anna Jiménez Calaf

Strategy 2030

As a University, our role in transforming individual lives and positively impacting society is unquestioned, and this is something that we will continue to do through Strategy 2030


At the event launch on 16th February 2022, students submitted their creative writing pieces on Sustainability and Social Injustice, which you can read below!


by Steve Hoey

Are we hurtling towards a world built upon division and indifference?

The have’s and the have nots.

The rich and the poor.

The clean and the unclean.

Those who are homeless and left adrift in the cruel seas of discrimination and dismay.

Everyday the news bombards us with images of our choices and ultimately our fate.

Disaster at every turn with countries colliding in their pursuit of power and pride.

We are left confused and controlled.

We are faced with challenges at every turn, but we also have the power to shape a fairer and brighter future.

In our pursuit to positively impact on society and transform individual lives we must ask ourselves some reflective questions.


The University of Hull is a community that stretches to all corners of society. We believe in the potential of all people.

Collaborative not competition is our vision. We seek a new partnership to empower people to make sustainable change and tackle social injustice.


What can we do that will make a difference? Shining the light of hope from the beacon of truth. Do petitions and protests change anything? Tacking action is easy but making sure we have an impact for future generations can be harder.

We at the University of Hull have the people, the place, and the partnerships to make that difference.


Is it too late? Have we already run out of time? Or do we need to seize the day – this day and NOW to change tomorrow.

We are building on foundations that date back to 1927 and we learn from the past and plan for the future.


Like the Humber Bridge the University of Hull brings communities together, communities from around the world.

We are ambitious in our thinking and in today’s global market we are ready to strike a new deal.


Is it our right to get involved? We are the lucky ones, the educated, the privileged, the ones who have made it. I would argue that not only is it our right, but it is our responsibility to tackle social injustice wherever we find it. Sometimes we must fight for justice across the world, but we must never forget the issues close to home.


Start today with what we have. No excuses. No turning back.

We need to empower people. ‘With’ not ‘to’ is a mantra for sustainable action. We are not the saviours and the ones with all the answers. We need to listen, to understand and stand beside those in need.

We are the lucky ones.

We can make a change.

We can act now.

We are the University of Hull.

© 2019-2024 by HU Writes

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